Phase 1 - Lots of carbs and fruit
Phase 2 - Lots of proteins and veggies
Phase 3 - All of the above plus healthy fats and oils

Pomroy claims that in addition to seeing pounds fall off, you will see your cholesterol drop, blood sugar stabilize, energy increase, sleep improve and stress melt away. That all sounds great to me! Now for the tricky part, sticking to a diet!
Phase 1 includes high-glycemic, moderate-protein, low-fat foods such as brown rice, oatmeal, fruits, turkey, lentils and more. Easy enough. Phase 2 includes high-protein, high-vegetable, low-carb and low-fat foods such as broccoli, leafy greens, lean beef, low-fat fish and kale but prohibits fruit and grains. Phase 3 has an emphasis on high healthy-fat, moderate-carb & protein, low-glycemic foods such as avocado, nuts & seeds, olive oil, hummus, salmon, berries, beans and my fave, lobster!
Now, I must say, the food lists aren't so bad. And each phase is only a couple of days, so it's all very doable. My problem? Giving up my vices! The "rules" of the diet strictly prohibit not only my beloved wine and coffee (caffeine in general), but also wheat, corn, dairy, soy, refined sugar, dried fruit, fruit juices, artificial sweeteners and fat-free "diet foods". I can live without most of those, but not my wine and coffee!
So, I may just have to add my own little tweak to this diet to allow for the occasional glass of wine. I'll be setting out on the venture soon and will keep you all updated on how it goes! Has anyone else tried this diet yet? I'd love to hear your thoughts!