Stylishly Social
Saturday, November 9, 2013
Stylishly Social has moved!
I've migrated to, please point your browsers to and follow me there! Thanks!
Monday, September 30, 2013
Suja Juice Cleanse Round 2!
If you read my last blog post about my first experience with juice cleansing, you knew this would be coming! (If you didn't read it, catch it HERE.) I was so happy with the changes in my appetite after my first 3-day Suja Juice cleanse back in June, that I just had to have another round. I timed it perfectly for the week before our family vacation to Cabo. I figured I'd look a little better in the bikinis I'd be sporting nearly all day and perhaps I would binge a bit less than I normally do at all-inclusive resorts. The results are in!
First off, I'll address the question everyone asks me first when I tell them I just finished a cleanse, "How much weight did you lose?" I had lost about 5 pounds on the initial cleanse, and when I started this one I had gained back maybe a pound or so. I ended this second cleanse 2 pounds below where I ended the last one, so I lost about 3 total this time. For me it isn't all about the weight loss though, my cravings that had been wiped out by my first cleanse were starting to rear their ugly heads again, so it was time to put them to rest! Did it work? Mostly!
Again, I left for Cabo a mere 3 days after finishing this second cleanse, and we stayed at an all-inclusive resort, so healthy eating wasn't really in the cards. But, I know for a fact I made much better choices than I would have had I not cleansed right before! I think I only had 4 margaritas the entire week, and instead opted for wine and other less sugary drinks when the bartenders were throwing drinks at me. I ate salads for lunch whenever I could get my hands on one (believe it or not it wasn't easy, room service became my only lunch option!) I only gave in to the late night room service dessert binge once, and it was mostly because my son deserved the experience (I would normally do that every night when it's free!) All in all I would say the cleanse definitely set me up for better eating habits on vacation and beyond. Now that I'm home, it's back to greek yogurt, salads, protein and veggies on the daily menu...oh and a Suja Juice here and there for a snack of course! And I'm loving it! I missed eating healthy!
As for the experience of the cleanse itself, I'd have to say it was a bit tougher for me this time around. Note to self (and other women), do not allow your cleanse to overlap with PMS. I didn't do a very good job of eating clean leading into the cleanse like I did last time. I had a piece of chocolate or 2 the day before and my husband offered up a glass of wine that I couldn't refuse that same night. I had a headache from hell for the last 2 days of the cleanse, I finally had to give in and take Advil which I really didn't want to do! But it helped! Next time I'm definitely doing a better job of clean eating for a couple of days prior as it really seemed to help the first time around. I had a slight headache that time, but it was brief and manageable. Other than the headache all went well and once again I didn't cheat at all during the 3 days of the cleanse. My husband survived without any issues at all...and he had to work every day, he cleanses like a champ! So are we going to do it yet again? Of course! I think we'll be quarterly cleansers for life, we're hooked.
First off, I'll address the question everyone asks me first when I tell them I just finished a cleanse, "How much weight did you lose?" I had lost about 5 pounds on the initial cleanse, and when I started this one I had gained back maybe a pound or so. I ended this second cleanse 2 pounds below where I ended the last one, so I lost about 3 total this time. For me it isn't all about the weight loss though, my cravings that had been wiped out by my first cleanse were starting to rear their ugly heads again, so it was time to put them to rest! Did it work? Mostly!
Again, I left for Cabo a mere 3 days after finishing this second cleanse, and we stayed at an all-inclusive resort, so healthy eating wasn't really in the cards. But, I know for a fact I made much better choices than I would have had I not cleansed right before! I think I only had 4 margaritas the entire week, and instead opted for wine and other less sugary drinks when the bartenders were throwing drinks at me. I ate salads for lunch whenever I could get my hands on one (believe it or not it wasn't easy, room service became my only lunch option!) I only gave in to the late night room service dessert binge once, and it was mostly because my son deserved the experience (I would normally do that every night when it's free!) All in all I would say the cleanse definitely set me up for better eating habits on vacation and beyond. Now that I'm home, it's back to greek yogurt, salads, protein and veggies on the daily menu...oh and a Suja Juice here and there for a snack of course! And I'm loving it! I missed eating healthy!
As for the experience of the cleanse itself, I'd have to say it was a bit tougher for me this time around. Note to self (and other women), do not allow your cleanse to overlap with PMS. I didn't do a very good job of eating clean leading into the cleanse like I did last time. I had a piece of chocolate or 2 the day before and my husband offered up a glass of wine that I couldn't refuse that same night. I had a headache from hell for the last 2 days of the cleanse, I finally had to give in and take Advil which I really didn't want to do! But it helped! Next time I'm definitely doing a better job of clean eating for a couple of days prior as it really seemed to help the first time around. I had a slight headache that time, but it was brief and manageable. Other than the headache all went well and once again I didn't cheat at all during the 3 days of the cleanse. My husband survived without any issues at all...and he had to work every day, he cleanses like a champ! So are we going to do it yet again? Of course! I think we'll be quarterly cleansers for life, we're hooked.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
What a Juice Cleanse Did for Me
It's been a little over 2 months now since I embarked on my first-ever juice cleanse. I chose the 3-day option from a Suja Juice after doing tons of research on taste and cost. And yes, I'll admit, I spent a lot of time googling "juice cleanse weight loss" during my research process too! Who doesn't?! I think a lot of us go into juice cleanses hoping to lose a few pounds and hoping we're disciplined enough to keep it off. I tried to live a somewhat healthy life prior to my cleanse, doing yoga every day and eating a lot of chia seeds and making mostly good choices. But, I still had frozen pizzas for lunch on lazy days and taco shop fare once a week, and I was definitely a sugar fiend. I read a lot of blogs from people saying their sugar cravings had been wiped away by a juice cleanse, but that seemed a bit too good to be true for me. Nonetheless, I ordered my juices and set off on my cleansing journey.
My first juice on morning one (Glow) was a pleasant surprise. It was very green in color and filled with veggies so I expected the worst, but the fruit it contained luckily won me over. "Yay, I can do this!" I thought as I sipped away. The juices only got better throughout the day with the exception of Purify, which contained beets, I'm not a beet fan in any way shape or form! I got it down though, it was still easy to drink despite my dislike for beets. Fuel was my absolute favorite right away and still is, so much so that I'll be substituting it for Purify when I do this cleanse again. I managed to fit in a brief 20-minute yoga session on day 1 and was amazed at how good I felt at the end of the day. My energy level was good, despite my sudden lack of caffeine, and I just felt clean and healthy. I woke up feeling great on day 2 and wasn't even hungry in the morning (one of many surprises during this cleanse!) I did yoga again and felt even more energy than I did the first day, even despite the fact that my baby was up crying half the night. The only downfalls I had noticed at this point were that I had to pee every 5 minutes (thanks in part to the bottle of water I drank after every single juice), and my skin and hair were mega oily! Eew!

Day 3 began with me feeling a bit more sluggish, I couldn't even manage to get in a 20-minute yoga session like I try to do most days. I just felt blah. But, there was a light at the end of the tunnel! One more day and I could eat food again! It was a bit harder to drink some of the juices today, but I got them all down eventually and looked forward to my final weigh-in and being able to chew on something again. I went shopping for eggs to boil for breakfast, more juices to have as meal replacements, hummus and carrots and salad ingredients for lunch and fish and veggies for dinner. The strange thing was, this all looked really amazingly delicious to me as I shopped. I never once was tempted to throw chocolate ice cream or frozen pizza into my cart. I wanted to buy lettuce and veggies and fruit and all of this healthy awesomeness in the produce section. Who am I? Where did the former me go?
When it was all said and done, I had lost 5 pounds. I was a little bummed, I had hoped I would lose more, but it was a start! The more important loss was my cravings! Those bloggers were telling the truth! I figured cravings for all things unhealthy would return after a few days, but I'm here to tell you that it has literally taken months for me to really start craving "bad" things again. Just the other night I had my first greasy Mexican taco shop craving, and living in San Diego, that's an amazing feat. That's not to say I haven't eaten bad things, I just really haven't felt the need to, and I haven't even enjoyed them as much as I used to. I'm still not craving sugar much and have pretty much cut out dessert entirely. I think now that the cravings are peeking their heads out, it's time for another cleanse! I want to add though, that I have in fact kept the weight off, this morning I weighed 0.4 pounds over where I was on the morning after my cleanse ended. I don't feel like I've had to work at keeping it off, I still drink wine every night and am not by any means a perfectly healthy eater, but I just haven't wanted to eat the same way I used to eat. I gladly eat salads with local avocado, olive oil and balsamic every day for lunch, I enjoy having juices or Mamma Chia drinks for breakfast, and I look forward to the most basic protein and veggie dinners. My 3-day juice cleanse made me a healthier person, and for that, it was entirely worth it.
If you struggle with cravings and have the desire to live a healthier lifestyle, I would highly recommend giving a juice cleanse a try. I don't think it matters entirely what brand you chose, or whether you make them yourself at home with a good juicer, just stick with it and know that it will change the way you eat. Sure, the cravings may come back after a couple months like mine are starting to, but I'm able to recognize it and am going to put a stop to it by cleansing again! I think I might even try a 5-day cleanse this time around! I'm thinking about trying a new cleanse every quarter, so if any juice companies have a great product and want a detailed review and potentially a lot of referrals, let me know! :)
My first juice on morning one (Glow) was a pleasant surprise. It was very green in color and filled with veggies so I expected the worst, but the fruit it contained luckily won me over. "Yay, I can do this!" I thought as I sipped away. The juices only got better throughout the day with the exception of Purify, which contained beets, I'm not a beet fan in any way shape or form! I got it down though, it was still easy to drink despite my dislike for beets. Fuel was my absolute favorite right away and still is, so much so that I'll be substituting it for Purify when I do this cleanse again. I managed to fit in a brief 20-minute yoga session on day 1 and was amazed at how good I felt at the end of the day. My energy level was good, despite my sudden lack of caffeine, and I just felt clean and healthy. I woke up feeling great on day 2 and wasn't even hungry in the morning (one of many surprises during this cleanse!) I did yoga again and felt even more energy than I did the first day, even despite the fact that my baby was up crying half the night. The only downfalls I had noticed at this point were that I had to pee every 5 minutes (thanks in part to the bottle of water I drank after every single juice), and my skin and hair were mega oily! Eew!
Day 3 began with me feeling a bit more sluggish, I couldn't even manage to get in a 20-minute yoga session like I try to do most days. I just felt blah. But, there was a light at the end of the tunnel! One more day and I could eat food again! It was a bit harder to drink some of the juices today, but I got them all down eventually and looked forward to my final weigh-in and being able to chew on something again. I went shopping for eggs to boil for breakfast, more juices to have as meal replacements, hummus and carrots and salad ingredients for lunch and fish and veggies for dinner. The strange thing was, this all looked really amazingly delicious to me as I shopped. I never once was tempted to throw chocolate ice cream or frozen pizza into my cart. I wanted to buy lettuce and veggies and fruit and all of this healthy awesomeness in the produce section. Who am I? Where did the former me go?
When it was all said and done, I had lost 5 pounds. I was a little bummed, I had hoped I would lose more, but it was a start! The more important loss was my cravings! Those bloggers were telling the truth! I figured cravings for all things unhealthy would return after a few days, but I'm here to tell you that it has literally taken months for me to really start craving "bad" things again. Just the other night I had my first greasy Mexican taco shop craving, and living in San Diego, that's an amazing feat. That's not to say I haven't eaten bad things, I just really haven't felt the need to, and I haven't even enjoyed them as much as I used to. I'm still not craving sugar much and have pretty much cut out dessert entirely. I think now that the cravings are peeking their heads out, it's time for another cleanse! I want to add though, that I have in fact kept the weight off, this morning I weighed 0.4 pounds over where I was on the morning after my cleanse ended. I don't feel like I've had to work at keeping it off, I still drink wine every night and am not by any means a perfectly healthy eater, but I just haven't wanted to eat the same way I used to eat. I gladly eat salads with local avocado, olive oil and balsamic every day for lunch, I enjoy having juices or Mamma Chia drinks for breakfast, and I look forward to the most basic protein and veggie dinners. My 3-day juice cleanse made me a healthier person, and for that, it was entirely worth it.
If you struggle with cravings and have the desire to live a healthier lifestyle, I would highly recommend giving a juice cleanse a try. I don't think it matters entirely what brand you chose, or whether you make them yourself at home with a good juicer, just stick with it and know that it will change the way you eat. Sure, the cravings may come back after a couple months like mine are starting to, but I'm able to recognize it and am going to put a stop to it by cleansing again! I think I might even try a 5-day cleanse this time around! I'm thinking about trying a new cleanse every quarter, so if any juice companies have a great product and want a detailed review and potentially a lot of referrals, let me know! :)
cooler cleanse,
health food,
juice cleanse,
organic avenue,
pressed juicery,
ritual cleanse,
suja juice
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Keep Your Cool...Just Chill!
I was shopping at Whole Foods recently and there was a sample display for a drink called Just Chill. I almost walked right on by, but realized the chocolate I was dying trying to get to was right behind the display. I figured I had to be nice and try this stuff out before asking the nice lady to help me grab my stash of Vosges bars that were hiding behind her. She explained that the drinks help to relax you and alleviate stress and that they can help you sleep. It sounded too good to be true, but I tasted the 3 different flavors and they all tasted pretty good, so I bought one. Just one. I was too skeptical to buy any more than that. I didn't even drink it right away. After a few nights of my typical worrywart insomnia, I decided to drink my Just Chill shortly before bed one night. Shortly after drinking it, I felt a sense of calm wash over me. It was almost like I took a xanax but without the loopy feeling! I must have fallen asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow, something that is not very common for me. I slept great the entire night and woke up feeling revived and refreshed. How could this little natural drink do this?! I had to find out more about it...and buy more!
While researching Just Chill, I learned that the all-natural ingredients include L-Theanine, Lemongrass, Vitamin C, B-Vitamin Complex, Magnesium and Zinc. These ingredients help to alleviate stress, elevate mood, increase focus and reduce tension. The drink doesn't cause sleepiness, but for someone like me who is kept awake by stress or anxiety, it will definitely help you get to sleep! The flavors offered are Tropical, Rio Berry and Jamaican Citrus. Tropical is definitely my favorite, but I like them all! You can find Just Chill at most Whole Foods or Fresh and Easy stores (or check the Store Locator HERE), and you can also buy them online through Amazon with the following links:
While researching Just Chill, I learned that the all-natural ingredients include L-Theanine, Lemongrass, Vitamin C, B-Vitamin Complex, Magnesium and Zinc. These ingredients help to alleviate stress, elevate mood, increase focus and reduce tension. The drink doesn't cause sleepiness, but for someone like me who is kept awake by stress or anxiety, it will definitely help you get to sleep! The flavors offered are Tropical, Rio Berry and Jamaican Citrus. Tropical is definitely my favorite, but I like them all! You can find Just Chill at most Whole Foods or Fresh and Easy stores (or check the Store Locator HERE), and you can also buy them online through Amazon with the following links:
just chill,
Friday, July 26, 2013
Win VIP Box Seats at the Del Mar Racetrack!
One of my social media clients, Valenti Equestrian Club, is hosting an awesome sweepstakes to give away 2 VIP Box Seats at the Del Mar Racetrack! I'm so jealous that I can't enter, but all of my friends and blog readers can! Click the picture for details and to enter!
del mar,
horse racing,
san diego horses,
Monday, July 1, 2013
Chia Squeeze Vitality Snack from Mamma Chia
I recently reviewed Mamma Chia Vitality Drinks here. Considering how much I love them, I obviously could not wait to try out their new Chia Squeeze Vitality Snacks! I hadn't come across these in my local stores yet, but when I was offered a chance to try out each of their 4 flavors and to do a giveaway, I couldn't refuse! Mamma Chia Squeezes come in 4 yummy flavors: Strawberry Banana, Raspberry Bliss, Apple Cinnamon and Green Magic. The first flavor I tried was Strawberry Banana and I loved it! I popped it in my purse and brought it with me in the car to go pick up my son from preschool. The packets are very similar to the applesauce packets I buy for my son and the newer baby food packaging with the screw off tops and a squeezable pouch. It's a great product for on-the-go families. I was so impressed with the flavor of the Strawberry Banana, I figured there was no way Green Magic could live up to it, but it did! I expected more of a veggie taste with the Green Magic, but the banana and mango flavors won out in this one for sure. My son even tried it and LOVED it, he had no clue there were any veggies involved, which is key with many 5 year olds right?! They will be great to pack in his lunchbox when he starts kindergarten this summer. Once I tried all of the flavors, I had a really hard time picking which one I liked the best. I think I will always keep a variety of all 4 flavors in the house so I can rotate each day!
There are a ton of snacks out there that taste great, but most of them don't pack the healthy punch that Mamma Chia Squeezes do. Not only is each Mamma Chia Squeeze Vitality Snack only 70 calories, but there is NO added sugar, and they are made of solely chia seeds, fruit & vegetables! They also have 1200 mg Omega-3, are a good source of fiber, they're gluten-free & vegan, non-GMO and USDA certified organic! Perfect for the whole family! You can buy them online at, or you can search for stores near you that carry them at
Would you like the chance to try Mamma Chia Squeeze Vitality Snacks for yourself? I'm giving away a few vouchers for FREE Mamma Chia Squeezes! All you need to do to enter is head over to the Mamma Chia Facebook page here , like their page and leave a comment that you were sent by Jen Wright. Then, just come back to this blog post and leave a quick comment letting me know you've entered. I'll choose and announce the winners on July 14th by responding to your blog comment. Good luck!
There are a ton of snacks out there that taste great, but most of them don't pack the healthy punch that Mamma Chia Squeezes do. Not only is each Mamma Chia Squeeze Vitality Snack only 70 calories, but there is NO added sugar, and they are made of solely chia seeds, fruit & vegetables! They also have 1200 mg Omega-3, are a good source of fiber, they're gluten-free & vegan, non-GMO and USDA certified organic! Perfect for the whole family! You can buy them online at, or you can search for stores near you that carry them at
Would you like the chance to try Mamma Chia Squeeze Vitality Snacks for yourself? I'm giving away a few vouchers for FREE Mamma Chia Squeezes! All you need to do to enter is head over to the Mamma Chia Facebook page here , like their page and leave a comment that you were sent by Jen Wright. Then, just come back to this blog post and leave a quick comment letting me know you've entered. I'll choose and announce the winners on July 14th by responding to your blog comment. Good luck!
chia seeds,
gluten free,
health food,
mamma chia,
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
My New Obsession...
Mamma Chia!
Mamma Chia!
Those of you who know me well know that I became obsessed with chia seeds about a year ago, right after giving birth to my baby girl. I had heard about them on Dr. Oz and immediately went online and bought some. These tiny little seeds are not only filling and easy to consume, but they are high in Omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, a great source of antioxidants & minerals, gluten-free AND they can help regulate cholesterol and blood sugar! The Ancient Mayans and Aztecs used chia seeds for their healing power and for energy, many ancient warriors would sustain on chia seeds alone for 24 hours or more. In today's society, many notable athletes and long-distance runners swear by chia seeds for stamina and health benefits. I had been using them in greek yogurt, in various beverages, mixed with oatmeal, you name it. Right off the bat I was able to drop some of my stubborn baby weight because the chia seeds made me feel SO full, and I also noticed more energy. I've stuck with chia seeds every since! Imagine my delight when I saw a beverage product at my local grocery store that had chia seeds in it! It was called Mamma Chia, and I had to have it! I bought a couple and drank one right away when I got home and was blown away, it was SO good! And packed with so many health benefits!
Mamma Chia Vitality Beverage is available in 9 delectable flavors: Blackberry Hibiscus, Cherry Lime, Cranberry Lemonade, Raspberry Passion, Pomegranate Mint, Coconut Mango, Kiwi Lime, Guava Mamma and Grapefruit Ginger. I still think the first flavor I tried, Coconut Mango, is one of my favorites. They are all so yummy though! It's hard to believe that this fun and great tasting drink will provide you with 2500mg of Omega-3, 4g of complete protein, 95mg of calcium, as well as fiber and antioxidants! As added benefits, Mamma Chia Vitality Beverages also provide you with natural vitality and are organic, non-GMO, gluten-free and vegan! I've been using them as meal replacements in the morning, as a mid-day pick-me-up, or even before meals out at restaurants so I won't eat as much!
Now for the fun part! I want to give away some Mamma Chia Vitality Beverages!! As they need to stay refrigerated, I'll be sending the winners a coupon good for a free Mamma Chia Vitality Beverage of their choosing (please be sure they are available near you before entering at!) This is a 2 part contest which will require a blog comment as well as a tweet.
Stay tuned for another blog post about Mamma Chia's newest product, Chia Squeeze Vitality Snack!
Note: After falling in love with Mamma Chia from buying the Vitality Beverages on my own, I was lucky enough to receive a nice set of their products to sample so I could try them all. I received the complimentary products in exchange for writing a blog review, however all opinions of the product are my own.
Mamma Chia Vitality Beverage is available in 9 delectable flavors: Blackberry Hibiscus, Cherry Lime, Cranberry Lemonade, Raspberry Passion, Pomegranate Mint, Coconut Mango, Kiwi Lime, Guava Mamma and Grapefruit Ginger. I still think the first flavor I tried, Coconut Mango, is one of my favorites. They are all so yummy though! It's hard to believe that this fun and great tasting drink will provide you with 2500mg of Omega-3, 4g of complete protein, 95mg of calcium, as well as fiber and antioxidants! As added benefits, Mamma Chia Vitality Beverages also provide you with natural vitality and are organic, non-GMO, gluten-free and vegan! I've been using them as meal replacements in the morning, as a mid-day pick-me-up, or even before meals out at restaurants so I won't eat as much!
Now for the fun part! I want to give away some Mamma Chia Vitality Beverages!! As they need to stay refrigerated, I'll be sending the winners a coupon good for a free Mamma Chia Vitality Beverage of their choosing (please be sure they are available near you before entering at!) This is a 2 part contest which will require a blog comment as well as a tweet.
- FIRST, please comment on this blog letting me know your level of familiarity with Mamma Chia. Have you heard of their products, have you tried them, thoughts, etc. Whatever you'd like to share. PLEASE include your Twitter handle as well so I can match you up with your tweet!
- NEXT, please tweet the following or similar "Thanks @Jendub77 for introducing me to #MammaChia Vitality Beverages! I hope I win one! @MammaChia1 #chiaseeds #chia". You can change the text, but please include the 2 Twitter handles and the link for sure. That's it! You have until July 7, 2013 to enter!
- You must complete BOTH steps to win! Good luck!
Stay tuned for another blog post about Mamma Chia's newest product, Chia Squeeze Vitality Snack!
Note: After falling in love with Mamma Chia from buying the Vitality Beverages on my own, I was lucky enough to receive a nice set of their products to sample so I could try them all. I received the complimentary products in exchange for writing a blog review, however all opinions of the product are my own.
chia seeds,
health food,
mamma chia,
weight loss
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
The Fast Metabolism Diet
I recently received a free copy of The Fast Metabolism Diet book by Haylie Pomroy from SheSpeaks to review. I must say, as soon as I started reading the book I was excited to try the diet and see what results I would get from it. Many of the author's clients have lost upwards of 20 pounds on the 28 day diet by keeping their metabolism guessing. The diet is broken down into 3 basic phases that are alternated every few days:
Phase 1 - Lots of carbs and fruit
Phase 2 - Lots of proteins and veggies
Phase 3 - All of the above plus healthy fats and oils

Pomroy claims that in addition to seeing pounds fall off, you will see your cholesterol drop, blood sugar stabilize, energy increase, sleep improve and stress melt away. That all sounds great to me! Now for the tricky part, sticking to a diet!
Phase 1 includes high-glycemic, moderate-protein, low-fat foods such as brown rice, oatmeal, fruits, turkey, lentils and more. Easy enough. Phase 2 includes high-protein, high-vegetable, low-carb and low-fat foods such as broccoli, leafy greens, lean beef, low-fat fish and kale but prohibits fruit and grains. Phase 3 has an emphasis on high healthy-fat, moderate-carb & protein, low-glycemic foods such as avocado, nuts & seeds, olive oil, hummus, salmon, berries, beans and my fave, lobster!
Now, I must say, the food lists aren't so bad. And each phase is only a couple of days, so it's all very doable. My problem? Giving up my vices! The "rules" of the diet strictly prohibit not only my beloved wine and coffee (caffeine in general), but also wheat, corn, dairy, soy, refined sugar, dried fruit, fruit juices, artificial sweeteners and fat-free "diet foods". I can live without most of those, but not my wine and coffee!
So, I may just have to add my own little tweak to this diet to allow for the occasional glass of wine. I'll be setting out on the venture soon and will keep you all updated on how it goes! Has anyone else tried this diet yet? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Phase 1 - Lots of carbs and fruit
Phase 2 - Lots of proteins and veggies
Phase 3 - All of the above plus healthy fats and oils

Pomroy claims that in addition to seeing pounds fall off, you will see your cholesterol drop, blood sugar stabilize, energy increase, sleep improve and stress melt away. That all sounds great to me! Now for the tricky part, sticking to a diet!
Phase 1 includes high-glycemic, moderate-protein, low-fat foods such as brown rice, oatmeal, fruits, turkey, lentils and more. Easy enough. Phase 2 includes high-protein, high-vegetable, low-carb and low-fat foods such as broccoli, leafy greens, lean beef, low-fat fish and kale but prohibits fruit and grains. Phase 3 has an emphasis on high healthy-fat, moderate-carb & protein, low-glycemic foods such as avocado, nuts & seeds, olive oil, hummus, salmon, berries, beans and my fave, lobster!
Now, I must say, the food lists aren't so bad. And each phase is only a couple of days, so it's all very doable. My problem? Giving up my vices! The "rules" of the diet strictly prohibit not only my beloved wine and coffee (caffeine in general), but also wheat, corn, dairy, soy, refined sugar, dried fruit, fruit juices, artificial sweeteners and fat-free "diet foods". I can live without most of those, but not my wine and coffee!
So, I may just have to add my own little tweak to this diet to allow for the occasional glass of wine. I'll be setting out on the venture soon and will keep you all updated on how it goes! Has anyone else tried this diet yet? I'd love to hear your thoughts!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Anchorman 2 Filming at Sea World...I'm in!
I just got the e-mail confirming that my husband and I were both chosen as extras for the upcoming Anchorman 2 filming at Sea World here in San Diego! I'm so excited! Not only am I completely obsessed with all things Will Ferrell, but I just adored the first Anchorman film and find myself uttering quotes from the movie all too often. I'll find out more details on a call the day before filming, which is set for next Friday, May 24th. I'll keep you all posted! Until then, stay classy San Diego!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013
The Best of P&G!
I was recently chosen by SheSpeaks to receive a fun box of some of P&G's most loved products. I received my box last week, here is what was in it:
Gillette Hydrator Body Wash
Swiffer Dusters 360
Covergirl Lashblast Volume Mascara
Febreze Car Vent Clips
I put the Swiffer Dusters to use right away by testing them out on my piano. Love them! It's a nice way to dust as the disposable duster picks up everything and doesn't send it flying around in the air. But once you've accumulated dust on it, you can toss it and put on a new one! My husband is excited to finally get a freebie for himself with the Gillette Body Wash. He likes the smell and says it's definitely something he would buy. I've used CoverGirl Lashblast before and am definitely a fan, it's one of few drugstore brands that I really like, so I look forward to using it again! Lastly, the Febreze Car Vent Clip is something we really look forward to putting into my husband's stinky SUV, at least I do! He mountain bikes and also tends to keep dirty gym clothes in the back of the truck, so it can get rather rancid (in my opinion at least)...I hope this helps, I'm sure it will!
**This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/P&G. Visit for more info!
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